Abbott and Costello – Sam Shovel Meets The Moonshiners. 490303

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The discussion of how much of an idiot Lou is is briefly interupted by an early show musical interlude, followed by more of Bud’s joking disgust at the lunacy. The conversation drifts into topics about Lou’s family and childhood. Bud gets his turn to reveal crazy secrets about his family, , then Viola, the new secretary is on hand to help with the jokes on love and dating. <br> After a musical intermission, and before the Sam Shovel story, Lou and Bud spend a few moments squeezing a few more one liners on dating, and necking. According to Lou, the name of the Sam Shovel feature is something like, ‘He was in the Darkroom, or He was Caught with his Prints Down’. But as usual, the titles ar seldom related to the actual stream of one liners that follow. Today, Sam and his police detective sidekick, Abbott take on a group of hillbillies in the Ozarks, and Zeke the moonshiner. <br>