Greatest Story Ever Told – The Parable of the Lost Coin. ep30, 470817

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Under cover of darkness, a couple youth raid the juicy grapes of a vineyard. What will David’s mother think of the prank when he is caught? An example needs to be made for ruining the grapes. Which will hurt David’s mother worse, being dragged out to stand before the judge, or running away to join a caravan? Mom finds out about the crime, and the disappearance only worries her all the more. <br> Although not a lost coin, a lost son is more valuable. Traveling with her other son, Simeon, mom persists in chasing after David. On the road, David tries making a way for himself with the caravan traders. Thinking his crimes are worse than they are, he falls prey to Wiley merchants who want to use him. Will he be finding himself sinking deeper into a life of crime? <br> Mom may not be as healthy as her sons, or the men in the caravan across the desert, but she is tenacious in her pursuit. Is there any hope in catching up to her errant son? Will he end up dead? Will he be too deep into crime to rescue? Mom won’t stop until she finds her lost son. Will there be a happy reunion? Will guilt and shame be exchanged for reconciliation?<br> PS: This also aired as ep140, 500305. <br>