Jack Benny – Dons 15th Anniversary On Radio. ep287, 380306

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: <a href="https://retro-otr.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/JB380306Dons15thAnniversaryOnRadio.mp3">Jack Benny – Dons 15th Anniversary On Radio. 380306. </a> <br> As Don begins the introduction, Jack takes over with a nice word to congradulate Don for his 15 years in radio. Don shares his history, beginning as a singer, then moving into being an announcer. Don claims to have been slim in his first years. <br> Phil shares some good words, and claims to remember Don when Phil was still playing drums in a band. Jack and Phil do some battling of wits over which is better, a drum or a violin. Mary enters with a poem to honor Don. Through the fun we learn that both Don, and bandleader Paul Whiteman were born in Denver, Colorado. <br> Phil dedicates a song that was popular in 1923, the year Don got his start, to Don, and sings, Dark Town Strutters Ball. <br> Jack and Phil swap insults about how bad the other looks. Mary tells secrets on Jack’s visit to Carol Lumbard’s house. Kenny arrives to tell about his love life, and the troubles he has with his gal. Kenny sings, Tippy Tin. <br> After the cast has spent the show bickering, Don stands up for himself, and the honor of his anniversary. Jack has a special announcer take over for Don to do the mid show commercial, but when he can’t be understood, Don swoops in for the rescue. <br> Jack has his own surprise for Don, and wants to play, Thanks for the Memories. A song written by the same folks who wrote his signature song, Love in Bloom. Before Jack can begin, a knock at the door finds the song composers entering to talk to Jack alone. They try to bribe him to not playy it. Though Jack gives it an interesting go, the writers heckle him. Jack does some showing off to prove that he really can play. Phil plays, into the closing commercial where Don shares another recipe tip for Jello.<br> Trivia Alert: Though Don was never as large a the jokes imply, he was a hefty man, and probably was that way at his start in radio. His primary job was as a sports announcer and commentator. He is self proclaimed as having no tallent at acting, singing, dancing, and ll the things a radio star might need. Although he has proven that he does have some acting and voice characterization ability over the years on Jack’s show. <br>