Dragnet – The Big Father. ep290, 550308

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A gentleman is in the police station to give the details of the burglary. Joe and Frank hit the streets, and interview people in the neighborhood. The people aren’t very attentive, and are prone to make assumptions that deliverymen really are deliverymen. How oblivious, and trusting, just the thing that burglars thrive on. <br> Eventually, facts emerge that are of use, but after some injuries occur. Amid the trusting souls who seem so clueless to any forces of evil in the universe, and especially in their neck of the woods, a culprit has been tracked down. <br> Joe Friday confronts a woman who tells about her criminal husband, then has her dreams shattered yet again when she learns the latest from the cops. The only redeeming thing she has to say is that at least the crook is devoted to his daughter. Though the guy is a crook, he’s a thoughtful father, and will be present at his daughter’s birthday party. <br> The cops pick him up, but will they be heartless enough to disappoint the little girl? It’s not her fault she has an unfit father. <br>