Lum and Abner – Advertise Restaurant. 461203

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Rebounding from their first day in the restaurant business, Lum tries to think of ways to expand. Advertising is the answer that he’s looking for to get the local crowd in to eat his world famous pancakes. Abner gets confused at Lum’s figure of speech about making a spot announcement. It doesn’t involve jaguars, or zebras, does it? All Abner has to do is read the advertisements over the party line that Lum has written. Lum even names the restaurant, the Meadowlark Restaurant, so he can capitolize on Cedric’s bird whistle as an ad gimmick. <br> How’s the first on air spot announcement going to work out? The fire alarm ring is given to get folks on the line. Cedric gives his familiar call of the meadowlark as the ad copy is read. <br> Time passes, and Lum sends out announcement #14. Abner is too tired to keep up the pace, Doc is confused over where the fire is at, and Cedric still has trouble blowing his meadowlark call on cue. What’s the mews that grandpap has just arrived with, and how will it affect Lum’s announcements? <br>