Theo Marks Luthier

Conversations with Musicians, with Leah Roseman show

Summary: <p> Recorded June 8 2021 , I have remastered this episode  since there were problems with the sound.  It's really interesting to hear about his unique upbringing in a family of musicians, and his personal journey to become a violin-family maker. This was recorded  when luthier Theo Marks was still living outside of Amsterdam. He now lives in Wakefield Quebec and if you're interested in purchasing one of his violins, violas or cellos you can contact him through his website: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDVFSmN0NlN2aTdYRlVWODVITG9TcjFHOXF4QXxBQ3Jtc0ttd0NNT1ZQSjg5bEV6elh0OFhMSDllSmc1WXVGbV9qRTQ3T0VrOEFnTlRpdmU5UnFjUTgzQkJKc0gteEJuczBrMUNubFhyVDdzM2ctSlBMcjRIdTd3QmNQdTZKTkxGdGM3eEFOb2RXUi1WMzVrR0haOA&amp;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>   The beautiful documentary about his brother Paolo Marks, a fellow luthier in West Virginia, is found here: ( In it he demonstrates all the steps of building a violin) <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2pFOXBsMGtvdVY0dFZWUkZ3dGpab0poSnJnQXxBQ3Jtc0tsUndnTWxSRGJZWlQ5SHJWVC01VTh2c2swX3pnYzQwbE5DQzJjb2VyVFlLUkE0TXNkMzI2Y19Vb3pLaU5jd0VfNG9aalVqOEZSY2VDVTUzTWxSM3ZHV1AxSDFZWUxZYTlaSGhydV81S05TRm9FR0FoVQ&amp;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>...</p> <p>The link to the remastered video version of this episode is here:</p> <p><br></p> --- Send in a voice message: