Mark Call – Parsha “Terumah” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Hebrew Nation Online show

Summary: After the story of the Pharaoh, the plagues, and the Exodus from Egypt, followed by commandments and mishpatim, this week's parsha (Terumah, Exodus chapters 25 through 27:19) is quite a departure.<br> <br> <br> While Moses is still up on the mountain, he is told to take a terumah, offering, from all of those whose hearts make them willing. And gets a lot of information about how it is to be used.<br> <br> On Erev Shabbat, Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa goes into that, and perhaps even a bit of the 'why' -- given that this happens before the failure of the 'golden calf':<br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> During the Sabbath day study, Mark addresses some of the challenges we might have in studying a set of detailed instructions such as these. Is it a lot of repetition, 'boring' even? Why does the Creator spend so much effort giving us so much information that might even seem a bit redundant at times?<br> <br> Is it possible, undeniable even, that He might intend to make a point - or even MANY points - in a way that we might just tend to gloss over?<br> <br> Perhaps the answer has to do with the very idea of a "willing heart", and the concept of 'terumah'<br> itself.<br> <br> One thing is certain - there is FAR MORE here than just:<br> <br> "Terumah: Curtains and Sockets and Boards, O My"<br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> The combined two-part podcast is here:<br> <br> <br>