Lum and Abner – Doc Withers Arrives. 461104

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The preparations are coming to a head, and we find Cedric is obsessed with his new shoes, and whether they’ll be squeaky enough. Lum is ready for the anticipated arrival of Doc Withers, and helps Abner with his neck tie. <br> Who is that stranger approaching? he sure looks like a back woodsy hick. Lum grows impatient with the man who takes more time than desired to make his phone call. And on this special day when the celebrated Doc Withers is to come to town. Does this stranger even know how to operate a telephone? <br> The audio fades a little as the phone call is placed. As Lum and Abner get fed up with the delays, they leave, and the listener discovers that the stranger is the expected guest of honor. (As if you couldn’t already figure that one out.) <br> PS: Clarence Hartsel, of Uncle Fletcher fame on the Vic and Sade series, is Ben Withers, a role that he would play over the upcoming years. <br>