Episode 42: Competition - Your Breakthrough Blocker

Next Level Faith show

Summary: Do you rely on yourself and no one else? Are you secretly a little jealous whenever someone ELSE succeeds at what you do? Is there something God has put on your heart, but you're struggling to say yes? Julianne is sharing today about how the attitude of competition can become a breatkthrough blocker. We need each other! Your story of overcoming a challenge could be the help someone else needs to win. The connections you make today could become lifelong friendships and purpose-filled partnerships. One way to meet other Kingdom Entrepreneurs, potential clients, and new best friends is to join Julianne for the A.W.A.K.E Conference in Watkinsville, GA March 31st - April 2nd. She will speaking alongside guest speakers Christina Lecuyer, Sandra Haseley, and Ayanna Hall. Learn more and get your tickets when you visit www.juliannekirkland.com.