Great Gildersleeve – Adelines Hat Shop. ep313, 490202

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: After dinner, Gildersleeve relaxes his overstuffed body in his overstuffed chair, as the kids try to make him comfortable. Marjorie mentions Adelines past as a hat shop owner, and that she’s planning to open in shop in Summerfield. <br> Gildy gets a little troubled at the idea of a shop being opened in their residential neighborhood. With both Marjorie and Birdie gushing over the quality of hats that Adeline is making, Gildersleeve doesn’t have a problem with that, just the idea of a business, and going against a zoning ordinace. <br> After consulting the Judge, Gildy tries to get a petition of support on his side, and in not allowing the new business to operate in the neighborhood. He talks to Mr Bullard, Gale Gordon, and gets his first supporter. <br> Thinking he has some leverage, he goes to talk sense to Adeline about not starting her shop. He really ought to have done this before he flew off the handle in the first place. She tells him about the profits a hat business can make, and suddenly he has jumped his own fence. He wants to invest as a silent partner Later, Gildy runs into Bullard on the street, but has Bullard let the matter of the petition drop? <br> Gildersleeve stops in at Peavey’s drugstore to splurge, and spend his dream money on a box of cigars. He drops hints to Peavey about his expected business venture. It seems that the rumor mill has Peavey more informed on Gildersleeve activities than he is himself. Even Floyd the barber seems to know Gildy’s secrets. <br> By the time Gildersleeve returns to Adeline,e shares his intentions with her about his dreams for her business. Just then he is informed by Bullard that the petition hasn’t been forgotten. Can he wiggle out of that one? I think we’ll have to find out in the next episode. Maybe. <br>