Red Skelton (Raleigh Cigarette Program) Superstitious People. ep18, 420203

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Truman Bradley talks with Red about the hats that women are wearing this Spring. Ozzie talks about a horse thief relative, then Harriet enters to keep the fashion discussion alive, and talks about dress styles. Ozzie turns the conversation to mens suits. <br> Ozzie plays and with Harriet they perform a dramatic musical production about a boy meets girl story. How About You? <br> Red starts a series of sketches about superstitious people by being a man who runs a fortune telling stand. Wonderful Smith is his victim, er… customer. Palm reading, wishing wells, crystal balls, and seances are all topics to poke fun at. <br> Next Clem Kadiddlehopper goes to see Daisy Doo. A black cat crosses his path, but Clem crosses the street to avoid it. The cat breaks character and laughs, but manages to follow Clem around, bringing bad luck the whole time. <br> Ozzie is back to play, Sunny Dispossessed. After the commercial, the bits about superstitions continue. <br> Junior the mean litttle kid deals with the stigma of Friday the 13th. He shows mom how he learned to whistle. With Junior marking up the walls, and bugging her while cleaning house, she ought to be more afraid of Junior than the day. Mom tells Junior of a few ways to avoid bad luck, but I think he’s more of a carrier than a sufferer. <br> After a comment about mom’s new Spring hat, Junior is sent upstairs to get ready for a bath. The bored kid thinks up trouble to get into. For Junior, bad luck turns out to be good luck. <br>