Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – Death Takes a Working Day. ep35, 500203

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: After the death of Mr Martin, Johnny Dollar takes a job to investigate at the luxury estate. Suspecting a murder, and to prevent the insurance company from making an unnecessary payoff, it’s up to Johnny to learn who shot Mr Martin. <br> Mrs Martin is too young and beautiful for the old man, or so says the cantankerous police detective. Plus there’s a list of characters who had reason to knock Mr Martin off for his money. The drunken brother, a housekeeper who is jealous of Mrs Martin, and the body guard. when the police detective snoops a little too close to the truth, he ends up dead. <br> Johnny shares what he knows with the listener through his voiceover description of the clues. Besides the interviews to learn the personalities of the players, some interesting ballistic rports add to the mix. It’s looking bad for the lovely Mrs Martin, but is she guilty? Or is she being setup by a dangerous killer? Johnny thinks he knows the answer, but gets a thump on the head before the killer can be revealed. <br> Thumps never stop Johnny for long though, but when the body count rises, he has the answer for the cops. <br>