Daily Audio Torah ~ Coming into the Holy Presence of YHVH

Hebrew Nation Online show

Summary: Audio reading: Exodus 25:17-30 Matt 20:29-21:22 Psalm 25:16-22 Prov 6:12-15<br> <br> Audio reading: Exodus 25:31-26:14 Isaiah 6:1-7:6 Matthew 21:23-46 Psalm 26:1-12 Prov 6:16-19<br> <br> Topics we explore this week: Can we really move mountains into the sea if we have faith, even as small as a mustard seed? What is it like to come into the throne room of God, in the Holiness of His presence? Do we dare to draw near? Are we willing to draw near?<br> <br> I invite you in to Jacob’s tent where we dive in to the Word of God. Join me in this Journey through the entire bible in one year focusing on the biblical calendar, the feasts and the Torah reading cycle.<br> <br> In Matthew 4:4, Yeshua said these words: “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” Taking in the word of God every day is LIFE to our spirit and health to our bones!