Phil Harris – The Pony. ep164, 510121

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As little Phyllus opens her birthday gifts, her uncle Willie gives her a more practical gift than the pony she wanted. Weather stripping. Should Phil get her the toy pony, or is it too expensive? Frankie arrives with the kind of gifts he likes. Drink mixes, coupons for tatoo jobs, and educatioinal books by IJ Grogan. Alice sings, It’s a Lovely Day. <br> Insisting on getting the pony, Phil is lured into spending a few more dollars for a real pony. Feigning surprise at being in a bookie’s office the guys are soon recognized by the bookie. How do they expect to buy a pony here? Grogan just happens to have one for sale. His $28 thoroughbred is the answer. Phil has to get the rest of the birthdy decorations, so Frankie goes to get the pony. will a kangaroo do just as well? Phil calms the savage beast by singing, Gimme That Oldtime Religion. <br> Not standing for the situation, Alice demands the kangaroo is taken out of the house. Phil and Remley man handle the animal into the closet, but will they be able to get Julius to get the beast outside, and taken away? By the time he discovers Zelda isn’t one of Frankies old girlfriends, the fight soon comes to an end, but where did Julius disappear? <br>