A Visit With Donna Ferguson

LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy show

Summary: Neo brings Donna to the show today. Although he couldn't join us himself due to a sketchy wi-fi connection in his lheocation, he was able ultimately to join us in the livestream chat. Donna is a professional life coach. She grew up the hard way as a teenager who ended up marrying a "bad boy" and suddenly found herself being beaten to a pulp in the middle of a physically abusive relationship. The amazing part is that she managed to emerge from that experience without feeling like she was a victim. She tells that story, plus makes some announcements about some upcoming events she has scheduled for 2022. These include a 21-Day Challenge that starts in January. And there will also be a Law Of Attraction Summit sometime around May 2022. Find her via her website:  https://uniquevibrations.com/ Subscribe to LOA Today if you haven't done so already:  https://www.loatoday.net/subscribe