A New Year's Rampage

LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy show

Summary: Anne-Marie and Walt didn't really intend to do a rampage of appreciation for our last Monday show of 2021, but it turned out that way anyway. We talk about the various TYA tools we accumulated this year. We talk about how we're seeing life so much differently than before. The idea of doing New Year's resolutions really isn't as interesting this year because whenever we want to change something we start doing it right now rather than waiting until the New Year. And unlike past New Year's shows where we talked about people who are struggling or how to deal with holiday blues or whatever, this year we're just appreciative ... massively appreciative. It's a very different feeling! Louis will be back next week. Subscribe to LOA Today here:  https://www.loatoday.net/subscribe