UnguruYourLife.com Monthly Round up with Historical Detective Michelle Gibson

Dream Chasers Radio show

Summary: www.UnguruYourLIfe.com UnGuru is a Private Member Association. All members within UnGuru have read and signed into our membership where their contract is kept on file until they depart as members. Our members are aware UnGuru is at peace with Government Inc., Stateside and Worldwide and also in proper legal standing respected as PRIVATE. UnGuru Correspondents, Educational Broadcasters, Businesses are not part of Government Inc. and share in the ability to sell their own products and services directly to other members within their own PMA's or with the express permission of UnGuru in which a contract between all parties is additionally signed and kept on file within UnGuru PMA. UnGuru Members have also signed UnGuru's Private Membership Agreement with full knowledge that UnGuru PMA is not held liable for any business dealings that occur between members within their own business, inside or outside of UnGuru PMA. UnGuru members make no claims that they are doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists, therapists, accountants but maybe to say they are recovering academics, and or medical practitioners.