BIPOC Farmers Talk – November 30, 2021

KPFA - The Herbal Highway show

Summary: Join hosts Karyn Sanders and B Anderson in conversation with indigenous farmers: Melissa Meyer, Letty Chichitonyolotli and Jodall Mattson about the earth’s soil, food sovereignty, community, identity and much more. This interview is in collaboration with a series of interviews by Black Earth Wisdom. Black Earth Wisdom (B.E.W.) is an eco-justice social activist brand, servicing earth stewards of color and in protection of our beloved black earth. We are a community of folx developing earth reverent sustainable products, supporting and initiating global advocacy campaigns, and sharing earth-based wisdom of people across the globe that have a rich and inspiring relationship to our planet. “Black Earth Wisdom is more than a movement, it’s a call to healing, change and transformation”, Choctaw Elder Karyn Sanders remarks. Visit: Black Earth Wisdom Here: Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Photo of hands and earth by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash B Anderson Jodall Mattson Letty Chichitonyolotli and Kimbo Melissa Meyer The post BIPOC Farmers Talk – November 30, 2021 appeared first on KPFA.