The Shadow – The Cat That Killed. ep180, 391231

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Most likely the wrong date, probably from 1949 instead. Lamonte Cranston and Margot Lane are on a scavenger hunt on a foggy, creepy night. A scream from a warehouse has them on the scene of a murder. A huge cat flees the scene, and after the police arrive Lamonte learns that this is the third murder at the warehouse this month. Is the warehouse haunted? Despite being guarded, no one knows how the murders have taken place. Lamonte plans on playing security guard, but doesn’t want Margot to join him. Will they be in danger when the cat comes back? <br> Later, the Shadow claims to know how it was done, and implies he has a personal stake in the matter. Hang on for spooky events to unfold as the Shadow springs into action to rescue Margot, and trap the killer who is behind the crimes. <br>