Jack Benny – The Hurricane. ep282, 380130

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Jack tells Don how tired he is over the work he has been doing on his latest movie. He also complains about Fred macMurray. Why would he do that for? Don’t they have the same make up man in Hollywood? When Mary arrives she gives Jack a hard time about his leading ladies. Phil enters and gets teased from jack about stealing his girlfriend from his private rehearsal on last week’s show, and Kenny gets teased about how dumb he is. Kenny and Mary have a battle of wits with Jack over dating. Kenny sings, There’s Someone for Everyone. <br> Jack announces the night’s play, a spoof on the hit film, the Hurricane. Why do the cast members dislike their assigned parts so much? Andy Devine phones in to give the latest scoop on his family. Phil plays, Snake Charmer. <br> In the South Pacific island, the natives are happy, but governed by the nasty tempered Jack Benny. He tosses people in jail. He shows no mercy. Why? It’s the law. He gets no respect from his wife, played by Mary. Who else? Soon the natives become restless, but how long can Jack control them? <br> Will a hurricaine unite, or divide the islanders? Signs begin to indicate that a hurricaine is coming, but is Jack concerned? The natives may flee, but Jack is unconcerned. Will he heed a warning from Schlepperman, chief of the natives? How will this intense drama of man versus nature end? At least Jack has his Jello, and another of Don’s yummie recipes. <br> In closing, Mary reads some awards the show just recieved, and several cast members are honored. <br>