Podcast 07: Just the dialogues

Learn Japanese Pod show

Summary: Today’s Key phrase<br> If you only learn one thing from this podcast, learn today’s key phrase which is: て を 貸して くれる? Can you lend me a hand? TE O KASHITE KURERU<br> This phrase literally translates as “Could you lend me a hand?” and it has the same meaning. This is a casual level phrase used between people of similar social standing. It’s fine to use this at work with your coworkers but you might not want to use this with your boss.<br> Even if you are a beginner in Japanese and don’t understand everything in the following dialogs don’t worry. Just try to listen out for the key phrase to get a feel of how it is used in daily conversation.<br> You can also memorize the phrase and try to use it in real life when the opportunity arises. Even if you can’t describe exactly what it is you want help with, you can just say 手を貸してくれる and depending on the context the listener should probably be able to understand what you want.<br> If you wanted to ask someone of high social status for help you might say something like: 手伝っていただけますか Would you help me please? Tetsudatte itadakemasu ka<br> If you want to ask someone if they need help politely you might say: なにかお手伝いしましょうか Do you need help with anything? Nani ka otetsudai shimashōka<br> Dialog 1<br> Asuka: ちょっといい? Chotto ii? Can I bother you for a minute? Alex: うん。どうした? Un. Dō shita Sure, what’s up?<br> Asuka: このパソコンを全部会議室 へ運びたいんだけど手を貸 してくれる? Kono pasokon o zenbu kaigishitsu e hakobitain dakedo te o kashite kureru? I want to take all these PCs to the meeting room. Could you lend me a hand?<br> Alex: うん、いいよ。 Un, ii yo. Sure.<br> Dialog 2<br> Asuka: アレックス、ちょっとい い? Arekkusu, chotto ii? Alex, can I bother you for a minute?<br> Alex: どうした? Dō shita What’s up?<br> Asuka: 週末引越しするんだけど手 を貸してくれる? Shuumatsu hikkoshi surun dakedo te o kashite kureru? I’m moving this weekend. Could you lend me a hand?<br> Alex: あの、今週末ちょっと髪の 毛洗わなきゃいけない Ano, konshuumatsu chotto kaminoke arawanakya ikenai Well, I have to wash my hair this weekend…<br> Asuka: まじでお前?週末しか洗っ てないのかよ Maji de omae. Shuumatsu shika arattenai no ka yo Are you kidding me? You only wash on the weekends?!<br> Alex: 手伝うよ Tetsudau yo I’ll help you<br> Asuka: ありがとう Arigatō Thanks<br> Dialog 3 <br> Asuka: アレックス、ちょっとい い? Arekkusu, chotto ii? Alex, can I bother you for a minute?<br> Alex: うん。どうした? Un. Dō shita Sure, what’s up?<br> Asuka: 廊下の電球とりかえたいん だけど手を貸してくれる? Rōka no denkyuu torikaetain dakedo te o kashite kureru I want to change the lightbulb in the corridor. Could you lend me a hand?<br> Alex: あの実は暗いところは ちょっと怖いんですけど Ano jitsu wa kurai tokoro wa kowain desu kedo Well, the thing is I’m afraid of dark places.<br> Asuka: まじかよ?! Maji ka yo Are you serious?!<br> Dialog 4<br> Asuka: アレックス、ちょっとい い? Arekkusu, chotto ii?<br> Alex, can I bother you for a minute?<br> Alex: うん。どうした? Un. Dō shita Sure, what’s up?<br> Asuka: 宿題でわからないところが あるんだけど手を貸してく れる? Shukudai de wakaranai tokoro ga arun dakedo te o kashite kureru There’s something I don’t understand in my home work. Could you lend me a hand?<br> Alex: いいよ Ii yo Sure<br> Asuka: 本当わかるのか? Hontō wakaru no ka Do you really understand?<br> Alex: あの、とりあえずわかるふ りをする Ano, toriaezu wakaru furi o suru Well, for now I’ll pretend to understand<br> Dialog 5<br> Asuka: アレックス、ちょっとい い? Arekkusu, chotto ii? Alex, can I bother you for a minute?<br> Alex: うん。どうした? Un. Dō shita Sure, what’s up? Asuka: 部屋を片付けたいんだけど 手を貸してくれる? Heya o katazuketain dakedo te o kashite kureru? I want to clean up the room, could you lend me a hand?<br> Alex: 絶対やだ! Zettai yada Absolutely not! Asuka: 大きソーファがあってうご かせないの! Ōkii sōfa ga atte ugokasenai no There’s a big sofa I can’t move<br> Alex: なんでいつもいやな仕事? Nande itsumo iya na shigoto Why is it always these sucky jobs?<br> Asuka: アレックス手を貸してくれ るかな… Arekkusu te o kashite kureru ka na… I thought you might be able to help…<br> Asuka: ぎっくり腰なんですよ! Gikkuri koshi nan desu yo I’ve got a strained back.<br>