The Front Runner

Radiolab show

Summary: <p>So, a cool thing happened for the show recently. A couple years ago, our episode "<a href="">I Don't Have to Answer That</a>" made it to the ears of director Jason Reitman. The story is about presidential candidate Gary Hart, who, in 1987, was caught in an extramarital affair that forced him to drop out of the race. And at the time, this sort of personal scandal was the first of its kind in politics. It pushed politicians and political reporters into unchartered territory that forever changed the way we scrutinize political figures and judge their fitness for office. When Reitman heard this, he saw a major motion picture in his head. And today, that film, The Front Runner, is out in theaters. Listen to Reitman and his team talk about how Radiolab inspired them to make this movie. </p> <p><em>This piece was produced by Jackson Roach.</em></p>