Calming Harp Episode #46

Hebrew Nation Online show

Summary: Does God really mean it when He says Fear not. In Psalm 91 David writes that he will not be afraid. How do we relate to difficulties in our lives? Do we see them as opportunities to develop a strong character and become equipped for the tasks God has determined for us to accomplish, or do we complain and moan because it's not what we thought we wanted? The parable of the Poplar tree and the Thorn tree might help us see how adversities in life can make us strong and useful and fit for the Kingdom of Elohim. Also music from my new album "Frequency of Fire."<br> <br> Produced by – Steve Rees – Harpist<br> <br> If you like what you hear please subscribe: <a href=""> </a><br> <br> To find us on Social Media: Facebook <a href=""></a><br> <br> Calming Harp Page: <a href="">… </a><br> <br> If you would like to write a testimony of how this music has helped you email me at: <a href=""></a><br> <br> To purchase CDs and MP3s go to our website: <a href=""> </a><br> <br> To donate to the ministry of the Calming Harp: <a href=""></a><br> <br> Steve Rees has been producing Harp Music from the Psalms of David for the past 20 years. He has discovered a connection between the Hebrew text of the Psalms and music notes that develop into chord progressions that form the basis for musical compositions that have been appreciated by thousands of followers. We invite you to join the many lives that have been positively affected by this wonderful music.