Great Gildersleeve – The Helicopter Ride. ep303, 481124

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: It’s the morning before Thanksgiving, and the family gets ready to face the day. The water pressure is low, and the kids and even Birdie register their complaints about it. The already busy Water Commissioner has his work cut out for him. <br> Since school is out for the day, LeRoy asks to tag along with his uncle Mort, and he goes to the office with Gildy. Maybe it’s that darn snifter valve causing trouble again. <br> Bessy is off for the weekend, so LeRoy takes her place, while Gildy talks with the judge. There seems to be some unfavorable articles, and political cartoons about the water situation. When he phones Charlie about the trouble, Gildersleeve gets an earful, but the solution is forthcoming. <br> The mayor suggests that fixing the water isn’t enough. They need to do something dramatic for the newspapers to save face in the press. Hey, I know. Since our show’s title is called, ‘Helicopter Ride,’ what if Gildy rides to the resevoir in one. The press loves stuff like that. <br> Gildersleeve immediately begins trying to back out. LeRoy and Marjorie, and for that matter everybody else thinks it’s great. Gildy stops in to chat with Peavey, and pick up a cigar. Peavey has his way of dcheering up Gildy when he needs it, and he does. Armed with a bright idea of convincing Charlie Anderson to stay earthbound, Gildy makes a last ditch effort. It doesn’t work. What if Adeline tells him to forego the ride. No good. Whill he get out of the flight? What about his duty to providing water to Summerfield?<br>