Dave Zwieback on learning reviews and humans keeping pace with complex systems

O'Reilly Radar Podcast - O'Reilly Media Podcast show

Summary: <p>O'Reilly's Jenn Webb chats with <a target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/mindweather">Dave Zwieback</a>, head of engineering at Next Big Sound and CTO of Lotus Outreach. Zwieback is the author of a new book, <em><a target="_blank" href="http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920033981.do?intcmp=il-na-books-videos-product-na_20151210_radar_dave_zwieback_radar_podcast_post_book_link">Beyond Blame: Learning from Failure and Success</a></em>, that outlines an approach to make postmortems not only blameless, but to turn them into a productive learning process. We talk about his book, the framework for conducting a "learning review," and how humans can keep pace with the growing complexity of the systems we're building.</p>