Revelations Radio Network show

Summary: Canary Cry News Talk #411 - 11.15.2021 META MAGA MARS: Predictive Meta Programming, Op. RampDown, Bezos Prophecies - CCNT 411 WEBSITE/SHOW NOTES: LINKTREE: CanaryCry.Party SUPPORT: MEET UPS: ravel Podcast (Basil’s other podcast) Facelikethesun Resurrection (Gonz’ new YouTube channel) Truther Dating experiment   INTRO CCR Mars Episode 021 [December 30, 2014] Mars rover discovers triangle rock (CNET) [SpaceX kids] MetaMars (Mars Genesis) Meta Propaganda (IMDB) Scorpion sting 453 citizens, kills 3 in Egypt thundershowers (Egypt Today)   FLIPPY 0:31:05 Robots are taking our jobs, that’s a good thing! (Insider) (MSNBC, CNN, the intercept “inflation is a good thing”)   GREAT NARRATIVE/SPACE 0:44:10 Prophecies of Bezos and Space   COVID19/I AM WACCINE 0:49:27 Note: World 1st! Israel to hold variant drill (Times of Israel) Operation rampdown, pandemic exit plan leaked (DailyMail) You cannot detox the vaccine with salt bath (The Guardian) CDC letter response to FOIA request, admits no supporting evidence (Image)   BREAK 1: Executive Producers, Paypal, Patrons 1:21:42   POLYTICK 1:56:58 Note: Trump selling hotel in DC (NPR) Steve Bannon indicted, turns himself into FBI (NPR) Elon vs Bernie (Houston Chronicle) Explosion at womens hospital, UK, Boris says “severe threat” after COBRA (HuffPo UK) NEWSOM SCIENCE Video of Newsom waccine reaction was edited (AP) [clip]   BREAK 2: Art, Reviews, Jingles, Meet Ups 2:42:54   GEOENGINEERING 3:05:49 How climate change threatens pregnant woman (CBS News)   NEPHILIM UPDATE 3:21:20 Mainstream Christian breakdown of Nephilim (Crosswalk)   ADDITIONAL STORIES: Robot hose battles Bethlehem leaves (Times Union) More Newsom apologetics from his missing week (Newsweek) Robot Arm in space, footage (Global Herald) OKC Gov puts anti-waxxer in charge of National Guard (NY Times) Waning immunity, how worried should you be? (BBC) Fauci warning to waccinated people (Best Yahoo) Deceptive: Fact Checking tromethamine claims in vaccines (Reuters) Scientific publisher retracts 44 paper for utter nonsense (Gizmodo) Tyrannical Monster Trump didn’t let aids play “Taylor Swift really loud in my office” PRODUCER’S ep411: Executive Producer Dame Lynne Lady of the Lakes** Producers Gail M,Katherine B, Arnold W, Dame Stormi, Gabriel G, Pavel A, Big Tank, Heatheruss, Sir Sigrah the Beast, Scott K, Jackie U, Sir Casey the Shield Knigh, Morv, Sir Sammons Knight of the Fishes, JC, Veronica D, 57 Chevy Girl, Amanda P, Runksmash, DrWhoDunDat, ChildofGod, Ciara   Patreon Samuel L iamclaynow ART: Dame Allie of the Skillet Nation Sir Dove, Knight of Rustbeltia Ryan N