STS Study: Those Final, Dreadful Hours

Insight for Living Canada Daily Broadcast show

Summary: <a href="/library/all/scripture/matthew?field_scripture_chapter_start=27" title="Discover more resources on Matthew 27">Matthew 27:27-50</a> / <span class="date-display-start">November 5</span>-<span class="date-display-end">9, 2021</span> <p>The final hours of Jesus’ life were about as excruciating as anyone can endure. Matthew 27:27–50 shows how He suffered violent scourging, incessant mocking, and hours of unimaginable pain hanging on the cross until He finally offered His last breath.</p> <p>From the Series: The King's Commission: A Study of Matthew 21-28</p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p>