Jack Benny – The 168th Marine Corps Birthday. 431107

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Broadcast from the Marine Base in the Mojave Desert, it’s the Marine Corps Birthday. Through the show Jack and the cast is buzzed by a low flying fighter plane, with machine guns blazing, everytime the Marine Birthday is mentioned. Jack and Don make jokes about the local features of the base, and it’s surroundings. Mary jokes about being the only girl with hundreds of Marines. <br> Jack announces, with jealousy, that Fred Allen will be back on the air in mid-December. Phil hams it up, and talks with Mary about her and the Marines. Phil plays. Mary puts Jack on the spot about his trip to the local gold mine. Jack brings up his concern about the fighters that keep buzzing him to the Colonel, actually John Brown. Dennis arrives to tease Jack a little more about the gold mine. Then Dennis sings, Oh What a Beautiful Morning. <br> Mel Blanc enters as Mess Sergeant Gillis with a word on the fine dining that Marines mostly definitely don’t enjoy. The infamous running gag about Cpl Crowley makes another appearance. Rochester phones in. More hints about the gold mine are dug up before the show comes to a close. <br> Happy 235th Birthday, Marines! Semper Fi. <br>