Jack Benny – Jack Hears An Echo and Sees a Psychiatrist. ep668, 481107

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Rochester tries to find something to whip up for Jack’s breakfast. Jack reads the big news that Dewey just won the election. A famously incorrect news report as it turns out. Jack hears his echo again. The cast come over to rehearse, and Mary collects on the election bet. They joke around about Fred Allen, and Bob Hope. <br> Dennis pulls a prank when he shows up, and as he chats with Jack the echo returns. Dennis sings, but it gets snipped out. Don and Phil pop in to rehearse. Phil plugs his own show as he teases Jack. <br> After the echo makes a few more appearances, Mary convinces Jack to go to the psychiatrist, played by Frank Nelson. While waiting for the doc, Jack sits next to Mr Skinner, actually Mel Blanc. He’s a man who thinks he’s a rabbit. Sounds like a chance to have Bugs Bunny appear. <br> The source of the echo is explained to the doc. Jokes include the recent election results, and Jack’s stinginess. The doctor has a cure for him. Will it work? Everythings back to normal, right? <br>