You Are There (CBS) Charlemagne Crowned, 800AD. ep83, 491225.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Charlemagne is to be crowned Emporer of Rome on the Christmas holiday, but he is missing. CBS reporters take you back to relive those moments at the big coronation ceremony. <br> Reporters bring the listener up to speed on a few of the political decisions behind the coronation, its significance, and why Charlemaine may have decided to bow out of it. What’s the big confusion? When you are to recieve supreme authority, who do you get to bestow that supreme authority? The pope represents bowing to God. Should Charlemaine, the supreme emporer bow to that authority? His counselors say, “No.” <br> If he already has supreme control, does he really need to subject himself to the ceremony? Representatives from Rome think the counselors are misguided. With, or without Charlemaine, the mass begins as CBS reporters offer commentary to the elaborate activities. What do the common people think? Reporters do some man on the street interviews with parishioners as they enter the cathedral. <br> Elsewhere, outside the noise of the event at hand, official word arrives from Charlemaine. He won’t be on hand to accept the crown from the pope, and his spokesman explains why. Situations of political unrest, war, and other concerns are expressed. What kind of world politics might this decision affect? What kind of precedence does it set? Tense situations are on the political landscape. <br> Will Charlemaine follow his counselors advice, or not? Back in the cathedral, we find out. <br>