Commentary on Bodhicitta and The Middling Stages of Meditation; 1-October-2008 (Day 2 of 5; Afternoon) - Dalai Lama Audio Teachings on Tibetan Buddhism Podcast

Dalai Lama Audio Teachings on Tibetan Buddhism Podcast show

Summary: His Holiness answers questions about methodical study of Je Tsongkhapa’s Lam Rim Chen-mo and support for His Holiness’ mission for Tibet. His Holiness begins explaining Kamalshila’s text and the requisites for developing bodhicitta. Compassion is the root, and the variety that fuels bodhicitta is generated from its complement, genuine renunciation. First, identify the source of one’s own suffering (forced cyclic rebirth of aggregates), its causes (afflictions and their karmic fruit) and cure (valid wisdom). Genuine renunciation demarcates Buddhist morality and virtue. From this, expand awareness of others’ suffering, counter narrow prejudice with equanimity, deepen gratitude towards all beings and the cherishing resolve. Remember that dharma practice is a 24-hour undertaking that is recharged in meditation and teaching sessions.