Thank you for HALF A MILLION listens!

CHAD: A Fallout 76 Story show

Summary: <p>On behalf of the entire cast and crew, thank you for half a million listens. There is nothing more naked to the very core of you than the act of creation. To put your work and your soul out there is a terrifying thing, and I never imagined we’d ever get this far, to be ranked in the top 0.5% of all podcasts worldwide. And that’s on all of you, all of our Patrons and listeners, and the team at Bethesda who heard a punchline about a shallow grave and welcomed us to a stage. If not for Fallout 76 specifically it’s likely I never would’ve started writing again. All of you gave me back something I thought I lost long ago and it’s a debt I can never repay…but I will certainly try with every story we tell and the work that we do. Even bigger thanks to our amazingly talented cast and crew who take words on a page and bring them to life with such depth, humor, and complexity.</p> <p><strong>To celebrate this milestone, we welcome all of you to join us for a live cast party on Saturday, November 6th at 5pm EDT at </strong><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>https://Twitch.TV/ChadFallout76Podcast</strong></a><strong>. Buckle up, because we’re going to tell you stories you haven’t heard.</strong></p> --- Send in a voice message: