The People’s Mentor show

Summary: FOLLOW THIS LINK https://t.me/joinchat/aWmhhPTPNHQzYzhh This episode of a quick training another network marketing team is all they had to find people and then how to leave them. I hope you really love this episode. Lisa Short, sweet episodes that are straight to the point I know have a lot of impact so thank you for sharing them. Thank you also for your reviews they mean a lot to me. Connect with me http://messenger.com/t/imbossleeimbosslee Check out my #1 MLM podcast www.jessieleepodcast.com Subscribe for free content www.jessieleeward.com Follow me on Instagram www.instagram.com/imbosslee Follow me on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@imbosslee Subscribe to me on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/JessieLeeOSullivan