October Q and A

Unpopular Politics with Tommy Caldwell show

Summary: <p>What's up, Ya'll! Here's an Instagram Q and A that I'm posting here as well. Below are the questions asked and answered. All COVID-19 related questions have been pushed to the end so those who don't want to hear about it anymore can skip it.<br> <br> What is one thing you can immediately do to increase your health?</p> <p>What is one thing you can remove?</p> <p>Where do you get your research from?</p> <p>I love seeing what you’re growing in your garden. Where can I start if I’m not a gardener</p> <p>What is one type of exercise you could do forever?</p> <p>Who influences, motivates, and inspires you?</p> <p>What can we do to prevent vaccines from being forced on our kids?</p> <p>How can we educate people on COVID stats when they are so misleading in the media?</p> <p>Where do you find adverse reaction data?</p> <p>What qualifies you to speak about COVID-19, Vaccines, and Trials etc?<br> <br> <a href="https://greymattersblog.substack.com/" target="_blank">Check out my new Substack Page Here https://greymattersblog.substack.com/</a><br> <a href="https://amzn.to/3aE7CTu" target="_blank">Purchase my Bestselling Habit Busting Book here https://amzn.to/3aE7CTu</a></p> <p><a href="https://amzn.to/2YQIsyg" target="_blank">Purchase the MetFlex-Rx Diet Guide here https://amzn.to/2YQIsyg</a><br> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/tcfitnessmentor/" target="_blank">Join me on Instagram Here https://www.instagram.com/tcfitnessmentor/</a> Where you can also see this podcast in video form</p>