Viya Chen 專訪 Jessica Pan

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Summary: 創造一個鼓舞團隊合作的優勢文化 團隊合作,是一場馬不停蹄的接力賽,要成就一個獨特的品牌形象,需要每一個人投入,才能共同創造品牌與服務經驗。企業團隊合作的好處,包括增進員工敬業度和促進生產力,如何藉由克利夫頓優勢識別的運用,鼓舞一個鼓舞團隊合作的企業文化?在此次的訪問中,我們將探討: •企業團隊合作的意義以及如何與成員的優勢做結合?•團隊合作如何拓展個人的局限能力,或是管理盲點?•職場合作的好處,與員工敬業度和企業生產力關係? 受訪者:Jessica Pan 潘瑞蓮 前5項優勢: 前瞻 | 戰略 | 學習 | 交往 | 行動 Uber 台灣的 Communication Lead 行銷總監,蓋洛普認證優勢教練,Jessica Pan 是一位經驗豐富的公關和傳播專業經理人,擁有多年服務麥當勞、白蘭氏和 HTC 等國際跨國公司的公關傳播經驗。除了長期以來,為品牌傳播的熱情外,還熱衷於探索個人和團隊的優勢,為企業品牌注入鼓舞團隊的影響力。 主持人:陳薇雅 Viya Chen 前5項優勢:前瞻|完美|策略|行動|交往 StrengthsBusiness 優勢觀點學院台灣和新加坡創辦人,Gallup 蓋洛普全球優勢認證教練課程、華文區域企業培訓策略夥伴,優勢立基的前瞻策略家。結合前財星五百大企業高管實務經驗,透過中英文教練與培訓,協助企業與經理人發揮優勢,凝聚團隊共創遠景、看見並實踐及志未來。蓋洛普全球優勢認證課程 Create a Culture that Inspires: Collaboration Learn about the benefits of collaboration in the workplace, including employee engagement and productivity, plus how CliftonStrengths and the manager can promote this. discussed the importance of collaboration in the workplace, including: •What collaboration means and its tie-in with CliftonStrengths•How collaboration addresses the limitations of one person•The workplace benefits of collaboration, including employee engagement and productivity Guest: Jessica Pan Top 5: Futuristic | Strategic | Learner | Relator | Activator Viya Chen Top 5 Strengths: Futuristic, Maximizer, Strategic, Relator, Activator Viya is the founder of StrengthsBusiness Taiwan and Singapore, Gallup Global Strengths certified coach and licensed partner, ICF PCC and Fortune 500 ex-executive. She is a futuristic strategist whose passion is in using Strengths based coaching to deliver positive impacts to corporates and individuals. Communication Lead for Uber Taiwan, Gallup certified Strengths Coach. Jessica Pan is a seasoned PR and Communications practitioner with years of experience working for international MNCs such as McDonald’s, Brand’s, and HTC. Beyond her long standing passion to make an impact on business and brand with communications, she recently developed her passion of exploring individuals' and team's strengths, making a difference to brand . Called to Coach 優勢播客,是蓋洛普 Gallup (透過YouTube) 的直播訪談,為優勢教練和有志參與優勢運動的夥伴們,提供一個能與優勢立基卓越教練們互動的機會。 Called to Coach is a Gallup Webcast (via YouTube) that allows current and prospective coaches to interact with strengths coaches who have found success in strengths-based development.