GRRL007: unique art & music in Los Angeles featuring Lauren Davis of Blackberry Tongues

Grrl on Grrl: intersectional and trans-inclusive music & interview show show

Summary: Los Angeles band Blackberry Tongues traveled to San Diego this past summer where they proceeded to blow my mind with their ethereal music. From that night, I kept in contact with Lauren and I finally got the chance to interview her! In this episode, she teaches me what microtonal music is, the supportive and unique art and music scene in Los Angeles, and we play some positively different music than what has been on the podcast before. We also discuss whether it's better for a band or artist to play more often or occasionally in their local music scene. What do you think? Do you risk oversaturating or tiring out your fans? Or will they lose interest if you don't play often? Leave a comment and tell us what you think!