Defining Biblical Love PART 30 – Love is Greater Than All

Hebrew Nation Online show

Summary: Paul closes his thoughts on Love in 1 Corinthians 13. In speaking about Love, Paul tells us that there are two preceding components: Faith and Hope. And then he boldly declares that the greatest of these is Love.  How are we supposed to understand this idea with its Hebraic foundation? What does it mean?<br> <br> With this final episode - Part 30 - in my 1 Corinthians 13 series, I will unpack the biblical concept of Love as it relates back to the opening statement that Paul makes in 1 Corinthians 13:1.<br> Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels But there is no Love towards me, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. <br> FAITH in Hebrew is Emunah. The core meaning is:<br> <br> * A trainer or one who is trained<br> * A Tutor<br> * A Mentor<br> * A Master Coach, Guide, or Instructor<br> * A Craftsman<br> * A Specialist<br> * An Artisan<br> * An Artist<br> <br> HOPE in Hebrew is Koveh. The core meaning is:<br> <br> * To Wait for something<br> * To Hope for something<br> * To Expect something<br> <br> What is it that we are to hope for with the idea of Hope? Paul explains it with simplicity in Romans 8:23 "...We also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body." Hope is about the Hebrew Techiat HaMatim -- the literal Last Day resurrection from the dead. <br> <br> LOVE in Hebrew is Ahavah. The core meaning is:<br> <br> * To give a life for a life<br> * To demonstrate giving before receiving<br> <br> These points define why Love is the greatest of all spiritual matters. Without biblical Love, faith and Hope are meaningless terms. With Love, the principal teaching of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) 4:12 fulfills the statement: Moreover, the Rope (or Cord) of the Three is not speedily (suddenly or hastily) torn apart. What is The Rope or Cord of The Three?<br> <br> Join me for this final program in my 30-part series on Defining Biblical Love.