Revelations Radio Network show

Summary: Canary Cry News Talk ep. 394 - 09.27.2021 - OCCULTECH MAGIK: Black Goo Greta, $ADA Mystery Religions, Anti-Jab Jocks, X-Men Nephilites - CCNT 394 Our LINK TREE: CanaryCry.Party SUBSCRIBE TO US ON: NewPodcastApps.com SUPPORT: CanaryCryRadio.com/Support MEET UPS: CanaryCryMeetUps.com Basil’s other project: Ravel Podcast INTRO Biden gets booster on air Black Goo Greta Cover (Your Celeb Mag) Hamster has been trading crypto, out-performing S&P 500 (Biz Insider)   FLIPPY 0:25:31 Can football (soccer) playing robots beat world cup winners by 2050? (BBC)   GREAT RESET/CRYPTO0:37:03 Chinese News: China cuts power and production (Bloomberg) Note: Gov’t must relieve supply chain turmoil (Financial Times) Huge news from Cardano $ADA during summit (Bloomberg) -Hoskinson donates $20 mil to Carnegie Mellon (Carnegie was a Mason, Mellon ties) -Partnership with Dish Network (Dishfire of NSA, $5 bil deal w/ AT&T, AWT 5G partnership) -Acala PRISM to offer DID on $ADA (PRISM of the NSA, DID traditional) -COTI to issue Djed algorithmic stablecoin on $ADA (Djed ancient Egypt) -Ouroboros PoS protocol for $ADA Australia order $14 million Ouroboros sculpture   COVID 19 JINGLE/PANDEMIC SPECIAL 1:09:46 Clip: More tyranny in Australia (Brisbane military airplane drive by) Clip: Even more tyranny in Australia (photo of mask police going viral) Clip: “Get him, he’s leaving his house!” Clip: UK protest with thousands Clip: NY Gov says NG to replace unvaccinated medical Ohio State HP “aware and monitoring” possible trucker protest (Fox19) R1 Variant starting to spread (SF Chronicle) Thousands dying but not from C19 (Yahoo/Telegraph) Clip: Natural Immunity potential legal challenge to federal mandates (Yahoo)   I AM WACCINE 1:54:44 Clip: Scientist Dr. Ryan Cole, jab autopsies Headline: Court blocks NY city school mandates (WHBI) Unjabbed clash in NBA, Kyrie Irving satanic conspiracy (Sports Illustrated) Headline: GS Warriors, Andrew Wiggins denied religious exemption (NY Times)   BREAK (producer party) 2:15:31   POLYTICKS 3:20:26 Newsom Science/Alien: CA to replace the word “Alien” for “noncitizen” and “immigrant” Harry Legs: Biden purchases drones from China (National Pulse)   NEPHILIM UPDATE 3:30:55 X-Men could join MCU as Nephilites, not mutants (Screen Rant, MCL)   ADDITIONAL STORIES Church at planned parenthood permanently ordered away from clinic (Spokesman Review) Joe Rogan says Trump will probably win 2024 (DailyMail) Robot Arm milking cows (ChipPewa) Not financial advice, Airport robots to rise to $2.5 bn by 2030 (Global News Wire) Mental Health: Use economic, medical, and social data for policy (WEF) India covering up snake bite massacres (Daily Beast) Proud Boys in contact with FBI on Insurrection Day (Yahoo) Inside CIA secret war against Wikileaks (Yahoo) Facebook Ray-Ban Smart Glasses solves problem, but privacy issue (Yahoo) Will robots be able to have children, celebrate mothers day? (Analytics Insights) The Army is modeling future robots on…squirrels (Pop. Mechanics) Robot designs inspired by nature (Design Boom) Scientists create genetically modified coffee (DailyMail) Waccines C19 death toll surpasses 1918 Spanish flu estimates (Smithsonian) National Guard ready to replace health care workers (Reuters) Gates Foundation, NIH, CDC funded C19 jab effectiveness study (MedRxiv)   PRODUCERS ep. 394: Scott K**, Brian D, Anonymous, Aaron J, Sam W, Sir Sammons Knight of the Fishes, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, JC, Heatheruss, Sarah P, GiantsBane16, Brandt W, Veronica D, Big Tank, Juan A, Gail M, Doughty the Coyote, Runksmash, Ciara, Rob TIMESTAMPS: Christine C ART: Dame Allie of the Skillet Nation Sir Dove, Knight of Rustbeltia Ryan N Mike B Christine C