Revelations Radio Network show

Summary: Canary Cry News Talk ep. 396 - 10.01.2021 - CHURCH-TEL PRO: Weather War Prophecies and Truther Disinfo? - CCNT 396 HOME: LINK TREE: CanaryCry.Party SUPPORT: MEET UPS: ravel: Ravel Podcast Facelikethesun Resurrection YouTube channel Truther Dating experiment INTRO 1:24 Pray for Steve Quayle, Rob Skiba #Prayducers Gonz’ weather report COINTELPRO Public documents   FLIPPY 12:23 Review of toilet cleaning robot, Giddel Flippy doing dirty jobs (USA Today) Amazon SWEARS Astro is not an Alexa on wheels (NY Times)   COVID 19/I AM WACCINE 22:37 En Pnuemati response to Dr. Carrie nano-computer claims on Stew Peters   COVID 19/GEOENGINEERING [End of Pandemic?] 58:21 SAD/ABSURD: Woman who survived 1918 flu, WW2, dies of C19 at age…105 (AP) Clip: NSW state premier on waccine lock down → → Australia NSW state premier RESIGNS amid corruption probe (Reuters) Sign that the “pandemic” is truly over, Insurance shift gears to Climate Change (Bloomberg) Note: NZ and Australia massive rain coming (Weather) Quick: Hawaii volcano erupting, but still social distance and wear masks (Star Adviser) Quick: Pork crisis, Farmers shoot dead thousands of pigs, “acute welfare disaster” (DailyMail) BIBLICAL 1:32:04 Quick: Shaman who started CA fires was trying to boil bear urine (Yahoo/Wa. Ex.)   BREAK 1: Art, Reviews, Jingles, Meet Ups 1:39:55   POLYTICKS 2:19:00 Insurrection: 2 non-violent capitol “rioters” to get jail time (CNN) DOJ Audit of FBI FISA process finds disturbing results (Justice.Gov)   CRYPTOCURRENCY 2:31:50 Nigeria first to launch CBDC officially (Yahoo Finance) Clip: Chairman Powell says he will not ban cryptocurrency Note: IMF Christine Legard in 2018, tracking privacy How “White Supremacists” use Bitcoin to get rich (Fortune) Britons, Bitcoin not safe, Ethereum is drug, Cardano is cheese (News)   BREAK 2: Executive Producers, Paypal, Patrons 2:48:20 ADDITIONAL STORIES Bank of England CBDC plan includes help from Paypal, Visa, Mastercard (Reclaim the Net) Tons of drone shots explain a lot about humanity (TooCool2BeTrue) UN 2030 agenda marketing for Papua New Guinea (Post-Courier) Watchdog calls out FBI failures (WHBL) Robots with better hand eye coordination (Digitimes) Beware of False Prophets, disinfo Christian on C19? (Stuff.NZ) Megacomet is heading towards earth, 2031 (Weather) Debunker-Bunker: Lori Lightfoot 2019 NWO quote refuted, debunked (USA Today) Attempts to debunk Christian who said UN wants digital world currency (AAP) Aliens: Clips: Green Bay Packers SportsBall opinion on aliens Sammy Hagar claims he was abducted by aliens 3 times (iHeart) Demi Lovato says she saw UFO blue orb (Maxim) Waccine: Pastor says waccine is not the Mark of the Beast (Int’l Biz Times) Biden mandate to fine 70k to 700k for non-compliant companies (Forbes) Note: Rep. Chip Roy, bill to block Biden Mandate fines (Fox) Why some American resist the waccine, “Mark of the Beast” (SCMP)   PRODUCERS ep. 396: Dame Lynne Lady of the Lakes** James J* Klifton P* Marti K, Scott K, LittleWinged1, Julie S, Jason B, Aaron J, Gail M, Anonymous, Morv, Green Pastures, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, HeatheRuss, JC, Sir Sammons Knight of the Fishes, GfromOZ, Daniella O, Albie S, Malik W, SouffleGirl, GiantsBane16, Brandt W, Veronica D, Drwhodundat, Runksmash, Ciara, Shagan, Amanda F, Juan A, Daryl H   TIMESTAMPS: Rachel C   JINGLES: The Day’s Upon Us Arnie W LierBag3000 Lloyd V   ART: Dame Allie of the Skillet Nation Sir Dove, Knight of Rustbeltia Ryan N Kat D