Fibber McGee and Molly – Ants In The House. ep376, 431102

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Doc Gamble visits to tease and to be teased. He’s a tired, and busy man, who tells about ants in his house. Molly feels they ought to do something for their busy friend. As always, messages abound for the new border,, Alice DarlingTo request a date with her at the dance. Why did she pick Eddie for her date? He didn’t ask. Billy Mills plays some jumping traveling music. <br> At Doc’s house, The McGee’s break in to help with the ant trouble. Fibber manages to break all the china, and pull down the blind, Don’t worry, he uses a silver pitcher to hammer it back up. Harlowe Wilcox checks out the appearance of something blowing up in the kitchen. Not wanting to be part of it, he delivers a hasty sponsor message, and departs. <br> Looking for those ants elsewhere in the house, Fibber snoops through Doc’s personal records. Teeny visits to tell what her daddy thinks of the new border Alice… oh brother. According to her mom, he’s living in a dangerous age. The Kingsmen sing, Riding Herd on a Cloud. <br> The ant hunt moves to the living room, where there’s soon to be a broken piano. Fibber leaves scrambled and moved furniture to let Doc see how much work they’ve done. Uncle Dennis arrives to help. He has already helped back home by borrowing Fibber’s tie, and mistaking Molly’s tulip bulbs for onions, He has them all peeled, and boiled for supper. Some final visitors check out the appalling mess in the house, and the secret of the ants… er… make that aunts… is revealed. <br> Billy Mills has extended music to play the show out, various tunes. <br>