President of Human Coalition, Jeff Bradford

I Am Refocused Radio show

Summary: President of Human Coalition, Jeff Bradford Talks about his recent article:<br><br><br>"We have to do more than prevent abortions"<br><br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br><br>Jeff Bradford serves as President of Human Coalition, where he channels his experience as a seasoned business leader to initiate and cultivate relationships with major and principal donors.<br><br>As former owner and CEO of Cross Media, Jeff built that company from 4 to 80 employees, and grew sales from $400K to over $14 million. He brings a breadth of knowledge about leadership development and sales cycle management. Most recently, Jeff was a managing partner of CGO Partners, a consulting firm focused on corporate growth.<br><br>After learning about Human Coalition (HuCo) in 2010, Jeff was so moved by how the organization verifiably saves preborn children from abortion, he began volunteering. He eventually left the business world to work with Human Coalition full time in 2012. Since then, he’s helped grow HuCo into one of the nation’s largest pro-life organizations.<br><br>Jeff graduated from the University of Texas (Austin) and holds a BS in Finance.<br><br>He and his wife Tricia have four children.<br><br>The health of any civilization is measured by the culture it creates and celebrates. In America, since 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion-on-demand in Roe v. Wade, our’s has been one of sterilized death—not of combatants on the battlefield but of babies in the medical confines of hospitals and clinics . . . and in the intimacy of the womb.<br><br>Abortion is a stain on America. And the God who gives life will not hold us guiltless. Thomas Jefferson wrote, “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and that His justice cannot sleep forever.”<br><br>We tremble as well.<br><br>We are Human Coalition—a collective of individuals bound together in answer to a common call: to do all we can to remove the stain of abortion from America. We are change agents—not simply because we are against abortion but because we are for life. We are for preborn babies who need to be protected in the womb; for women who should not have to choose the life of their baby for a fulfilling life; for families whose members should flourish in an environment of value and love; for mothers and fathers who deserve a chance at being mothers and fathers; and for society that needs all its children to live and thrive if it is to be called “civilized.”<br><br><br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a>