STAGES with Peter Eyers show

Summary: During our second season, STAGES was delighted to connect with Australia's original Eliza Doolittle, Bunty Turner. In 1950's Australia the Original Cast Recordings of the West End and Broadway productions of My Fair Lady, became highly sought treasures. Families gathered at homes to 'Get to the Church on time' and 'Dance all Night' dreaming of when the show would arrive in Australian theatres - 'Wouldn't it be Loverley?' Eager to replicate the productions in London and New York, J.C.Williamsons imported American creatives and secured a principal cast from the UK. 'The Firm' had a policy at the time of preferring to cast lead players that they could bill as "direct from the West End" even if unknown. It was felt that an actor with that billing would always attract larger audiences than an Australian. These were pioneering days in the commercial theatre, but the seed for an Australian Company of players had commenced a few years earlier with The Pajama Game. Leading the Original Australian company of My Fair Lady was Bunty Turner. Born in Northern Ireland she had established herself as a singer of great skill in London productions of Free As Air, The Dancing Years and Hansel & Gretel. The original production of My Fair Lady in this country enjoyed tremendous success and launched a second company that toured Australian capitals and New Zealand. Bunty played the role of Eliza in productions throughout Australia, London and South Africa. Bunty is a delight. She is effervescent and her joy is contagious. She possesses great charm, class and cheeky humour. One can easily understand why she made the perfect 'Eliza Doolittle'.