Hadley Arkes on Right Reason and Constitutional Law

Liberty Law Talk  show

Summary: <a href="https://www.lawliberty.org/2012/07/02/hadley-arkes-on-right-reason-and-constitutional-law/"></a>In this podcast, I discuss with Hadley Arkes the fundamental touchstones of our written Constitution that he contends are discovered through reason and logic in a process that goes beyond the text. In his most recent book, Constitutional Illusions and Anchoring Truths: The Touchstone of the Natural Law, Arkes argues "the task of judgment,  in our constitutional law, persistently moves us away from the text, or from a gross description of the act, and it moves us to the commonsense understanding of the principles that guide these judgments: the principles that help us in making those distinctions between the things…<a class="moretag" href="https://www.lawliberty.org/2012/07/02/hadley-arkes-on-right-reason-and-constitutional-law/">Read More</a>