(21) How Our Favourite Movies REVEAL Our TRUE SELVES

Our Manifestation Journey show

Summary: <p>Have you ever asked the question, "Why do I watch what I watch?" Or "Why do I listen to what I listen to?" And to dig even deeper, "What does my favourite movie(s) say about myself and my beliefs?"  It turns out, it can say quite a lot!  And could even be the key to understanding why you haven't reached that next level of success.</p> <p>Starting with an exploration of female empowerment and the Feminine Devine, a witches séance on Halloween and an update with the selling of our house, this spiritual and fun-filled podcast is not to be missed!  </p> <p>Wishing you a life of joy and abundance, </p> <p>Samantha and Mickayla Pike</p> <p> </p>