"MOJO WORKIN'" part 2


Summary: MOJO WORKIN' Get "A Critical Re-Examination of The Old African-American Hoodoo System" in this 10+ year work by Dr. Katrina Hazzard-Donald, professor of Sociology at Rutgers University Camden,Graduate and Doctoral degrees from Cornell University, Itasca, New York;undergraduate degree from Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio and also author of "Jukin, The Rise of Social Dance Formula in African-American Culture". Continue learning the things that are purposely hidden from you for no reason other than to keep you ignorant! Hear how so-called Hoodoo teachers have no interest in their "students" other than getting their hard-earned money. You will learn this from our guest, one of the select few practitioners of ATR & Hoodoo who possesses both graduate and post-graduate degrees. This broadcast is guaranteed to change both your practice and your life. Get the truth from someone who also is a practitioner and knows the flim-flam.