Does This Shock you?! In-Motion Week 4

Sunday Homily show

Summary: <p>This is the fourth and final week of our message series we call Does this Shock you?</p> <p>The first week of our series Jesus asked us point blank whether or not we are shocked by his revelation that Holy Communion is his Body and Blood and we are to consume it if we are to have eternal life with him. Holy Communion is communion with him. That’s what makes it holy.</p> <p>Then two weeks ago we discussed how loving Jesus creates this interior disposition within us to want to serve and that there are all sorts of opportunities to serve right here at Saint Mary. There are all sorts of opportunities for you to be a true minister to others. As a member of our parish you are called to minister to others. That is a big part of what you should be doing. Does that shock you?</p> <p>Last week we talked about listening to God in prayer. Some people are shocked that God speaks to them in prayer. God does speak to you. That’s part of prayer.</p>