The Lessons of 9/11 (with Kristen Breitweiser & Karen Greenberg)

Skullduggery show

Summary: On that gorgeous Tuesday morning twenty years ago, Kristen Breitweiser was one of thousands who’s lives were shattered forever. Her husband Ron, a Senior VP at a brokerage firm was working on the 94th floor of the World Trade Center South Tower when Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked the plane that crashed into the building. The second wave of a terrorist attack that killed nearly three thousand. Breitweiser soon emerged as one of the most outspoke 9/11 family members, a trained lawyer that prodded lawmakers to create the national commission to investigate the attack. And ever since she’s embarked on a tireless campaign demanding accountability for the terrorists and for those in authority who allowed the attack to happen. As the country commemorates the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, we talked to Breitweiser about her own recollections of that terrible day and what still needs to be done. And then we talked to Karen Greenberg, Director of the Center on National Security at Fordham Law, and the author of a new book about how 9/11 transformed the country's politics.  GUESTS: - Kristen Breitweiser (@kdbreitweiser), 9/11 widow and activist, widely credited with forcing the creation of the 9/11 Commission - Karen Greenberg (@KarenGreenberg3), Director @CNSFordhamLaw, Author of new book Subtle Tools, Host @VI_PodcastCNS. HOSTS: - Michael Isikoff (@Isikoff), Chief Investigative Correspondent, Yahoo News - Daniel Klaidman (@dklaidman), Editor in Chief, Yahoo News - Victoria Bassetti (@VBass), fellow, Brennan Center for Justice (contributing co-host)   RESOURCES: - Kristen Breitweiser's op-ed for The Intercept: My Husband Died on 9/11. I'm Still Waiting for a Trial of His Killers. Here. - Karen Greenberg's new book Subtle Tools. Here.   Follow us on Twitter: @SkullduggeryPod Listen and subscribe to "Skullduggery" on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Email us with feedback, questions or tips:  <br><hr><p style="color: grey;">See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>