California Recall (with Dan Schnur and Andrew Romano)

Skullduggery show

Summary: It’s a legacy of the progressive era in American politics. Voters in California get to recall State office holders if they don’t like the job they’re doing without waiting for the next election. It’s facing one of its biggest tests this week when Gavin Newsome, the liberal democratic governor who was elected by a whopping twenty-four percent margin in 2018 will face a recall fueled by discontent. Yahoo News’ political correspondent Andrew Romano as well as former GOP strategist turned academic who’s studied the recall movement help sort out the confusing details of the said election.  GUESTS: - Dan Schnur (@danschnur), Professor at the University of California – Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies - Andrew Romano (@AndrewRomano), National Correspondent, Yahoo News. Former Newsweek/Daily Beast HOSTS: - Michael Isikoff (@Isikoff), Chief Investigative Correspondent, Yahoo News - Daniel Klaidman (@dklaidman), Editor in Chief, Yahoo News - Victoria Bassetti (@VBass), fellow, Brennan Center for Justice (contributing co-host)   RESOURCES: - Dan Schnur's "Politics in the Time of Coronavirus." - Here. - Andrew Romano's Yahoo News articles - Here.   Follow us on Twitter: @SkullduggeryPod Listen and subscribe to "Skullduggery" on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Email us with feedback, questions or tips:  <br><hr><p style="color: grey;">See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>