Dragnet -The Big Daughter. ep317, 550913

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Working the narcotics department, Joe Friday has a troubleing case, he has to stop a man who is selling heroine out of his home. With partner, Frank Smith, Joe Friday responds to a phone call by an informant. <br> In the typical suburban neighborhood, it soon becomes apparrant that a girl is being neglected as she is caught in the dirty business of the drug trade. It doesn’t take long to confront, and arrest the doped up parents, then the story takes time to develop, to show the listener the dangers, and reality of the depth that some people let drugs control their lives. The tragedy of jail time for the crime is one thing, but leaving their underage daughters without parents to care for them is on another level. <br> The mom realizes it too late, but will her cooperation at the last minute help her case? As the story develops, dad is the user, and mom is the facilitator. They are both in jail, but the kids have yet to turn up. Where could they be? Following in her parents footsteps? <br>