Hebrew Nation Online show

Summary: What feast day was Biden's speech?  As Biden declared war on the American people, did Father declare a war, also?  Upon whom?  Why are tanks and other heavy equipment riding on rail cars?  For what possible purpose?  Satan has a "reset" as outlined by his WEF servants - a plan of termination of everything established in the Garden.  Does God have a reset? -  a plan for the restoration of the Garden? Please join me as we examine the possibility that Father just announced His retaking ownership of this earth.<br> <br> Correspondence re the Maori elder, Stan Deyo, and the 3 Gorges Dam:  https://standeyo.com/Reports/Maori.html<br> <br> Below is the Ken Peters Prophecy to which I referred in the podcast.  This was given Nov. 1, 2015. He said, "You will remember this date, Nov. 1 as we turn the clocks back, that within 3 years from this date, you will see the upheaval of every nation on earth."  The turning back of the clocks occurred on Nov. 1 in 2015 and 2020.  This nexus will not occur again until 2026.<br> <br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeBFgXBzqAg<br> <br>